Mountain Fiber Folk
Vermont has many treasures hidden away among its mountains, rivers, and valleys. Mountain Fiber Folk is one of them. It is a fiber cooperative tucked away in the mountains of the northeast kingdom in a picturesque town called Montgomery Center. Six farms make up the cooperative. Together, these farms operate a wonderful little yarn and handcrafts store. The store is full of specialty hand spun yarns from llama, alpaca, wool, mohair, and angora f
iber. Fine hand crafted knitted, felted, and woven items fill the shelves and table tops. Creative energy just captivates you as you browse through the shop! The cooperative also invites the community to participate in knitting projects, dye projects, and fiber related classes. Visit their shop online at: http://www.mtfiberfolk.com/folk.html.

My daughter, Anna, and I drove up to visit with one of the women in the cooperative. Jessica Dillner raises natural colored angora goats. We met her at the store and then followed her to her farm, Dillner Hillside Farm. Jessica shared her knowledge of raising angora goats with us and together we shared our farming stories. Her goats range in color from black, to red, to silver. The young kids were absolutely adorable. It was difficult to resist the temptation to bring at least three of her kids home with us. Jessica is an amaz
ing fiber artist as well. She blends her fibers carefully and hand spins them into soft yarns. Jessica has come up with a sub-zero degree hat using wool, mohair, and angora fiber from her rabbits. Local farmers and skiers enjoy the warmth of her hat!

I am always so excited when I come across people like Jessica. It is so fun to visit with other fiber folks and to see what they are doing
with their farms and to glean a little wisdom from them. My only regret for the day was that I do not live close enough to be a part of this energetic, creative group of farmers.