Our fiber class schedule is set for summer 2009! Visit our website for more information: http://www.grandviewfarmvt.net/VermontFiberRetreats.html
Fiber Retreat and Class Schedules
Come meet our new lambs and then join us for a family felting activity. Each family will make a felted wall hanging to take home.$25/family (one wall hanging) All children must be accompanied by a parent.
May 16, 2009
Sheep & Wool Week
Fiber filled week for children ages 7-11
Mon.-Fri. 10am-2:30pm
Children participate in chores, learn about the animals on the farm, and explore the fiber arts of felting, weaving, and spinning. Bring a bag lunch.
July 20-24, 2009
Jr. Sheep & Wool Week
Mon.-Wed.-Fri. 10am-1pm
Children come for a half a day to learn about farm life and for hands on fun with fiber. Bring a bag lunch.
July 27, 29, 31, 2009
Spinning & Carding

July 11, 2009
Natural Dye Class
An introduction to using plants and herbs as natural dyes for teens and adults. Bring a bag lunch.
August 22, 2009
Nuno Felting
An introduction to nuno felting for teens and adults.
August 2009(date to b e decided)