Snowy Day
We woke this morning to a new 8 inches of snow and a covering of ice over every twig, fence line, sheep, and gate. My husband was only the second person to venture out this morning as he headed off to work. Public schools were closed however, much to my son’s dismay, our home school was in session. The new snow simply added “shovel walks” to my son’s list of things to accomplish within his school day. We had several packages for the mail carrier to pick up this afternoon so I have called ahead to the post office to request that he beep his car horn as he arrived so we could run them out to him. When he came, he exclaimed over how much snow an
d ice our little mountain had in comparison with the village in the valley. Indeed, many times, we are hit with much more snow than the low lying areas. This afternoon the sun is sparkling against the crystalline snow and the sheep are out lounging in its warmth in hopes to melt off their snow and ice covering. I took a quick walk to capture the beauty of our hillside farm to share with you.

Hi Kim,
I had the pleasure of visiting your farm the day after these photos were taken, and it was indeed, brilliantly beautiful. So sorry to have missed meeting you. I am completely loving the llama/wool blend roving. It’s wonderful to work with and is spinning up like a dream. I’m a pretty new spinner, so it’s not quite as nice as yours, but getting better and better. Please keep me in mind when you have it available again. You can pm me on ravelry, where I’m also known as countryelvis4.
Thanks again. And I’m enjoying your blog, will keep an eye on you guys 🙂