Yahoo! Today was shearing day. I am so excited about this year’s fleeces. They are just gorgeous. The Lamb CSA yarn is going to be a lovely silvery gray with a nice luster and the softness that only comes from a lamb’s fleece. Tarragon, our Cormo ewe must have had a 12 pound fleece. It was so large we could hardly get it all into one bag. Her fleece is the main fleece in the mohair/Cormo/Romney blend yarn CSA. Ina and Bonnie will contribute their fleeces for this yarn as well. Then there is Belle’s fleece….a beautiful black Cormo fleece. I will probably hand spin her fleece. It was great to see our sheep shearer as well. I always enjoy talking with him as he works. He seemed impressed with our fleeces as well. David, our shearer, would really rather that we not take his picture but this year,
he humored us by posing.
posted in: Life at VT Grand View Farm, Uncategorized
Shearing Day!
Carol from Paris TN
As one of your shareholders, I always look forward to your blog posts. There is no way in the world I will every have my own “fiber farm” so I enjoy every moment of yours……Thanks for keeping us up to date on the farm’s doings.
Carol in TN (although my sister has remarked that she wouldn’t be surprised to see a sheep in my backyard when she drives up)
crazy sheep girl
I think this kind of thing is cool because I only have meat breed sheep.
Hurray for shearing day! Are you considering doing and fleece/roving CSA’s this year? I bought some of your llama/romney blended roving a few months ago, and am totally in love. Just wondered if you have that regularly….