Appreciate Everything-Take Nothing for Granted
About two weeks ago, I had some Bed & Breakfast guests from Long Island. Wanting to see the lambs while they were still small but hoping to avoid mud season, they scheduled their visit with us for the very end of April. This seemed like a safe time frame to me when they booked their reservation back in February. Much to their dismay, they found that mud season was still in full swing when they arrived. Though the daytime temperatures ranged from 40 to 50 during their stay, the breeze had a rather cool nip to it. We kept a fire in the wood stove to knock the chill out of the air.
One morning after breakfast, we chatted about the unpredictable weather patterns. I apologized about the muddy roads and cool temperatures. I somehow feel responsible for these things when it comes to our B&B guests, even though I know that I have absolutely no control over them. My guest pointed out to me that people who live in Vermont must never take anything for granted like dry roads, green grass, warm sun, flowers blooming, and leaves on the trees. She said that we must find ourselves extremely appreciative of each season when it arrives.
Heritage Breed Meat Birds |
For years now, I have thought the same thing. We long for the coming spring and slow to arrive summer and once they are here, we savor every minute. When the calendar flips to September, a melancholy sets in as we know that the lingering warm days are numbered. Yet, at the same time, we look forward to the autumn as the beauty of the changing leaves can not be surpassed. I even find myself yearning for the winter months as this is a time of rest on the farm. Then, as March approaches, the cycle begins again. If the winter has been harsh with lots of snow as this winter, the longing for warmer temperatures and green grass is intensified.
Luke’s Pigs |
Today, I can confidently say that Spring has finally settled on Grand View Farm. As I did chores this morning, I saw signs of Spring and a hope of summer. I put the meat birds out on pasture yesterday and they were basking in the morning sun and pecking at the grass for bugs to eat. The two little pigs that arrived a couple weeks ago have made themselves at home and were rooting in the dirt. The seeds planted in the cold frame have new leaves just poking through the dirt and the daffodils are in full bloom. I breathed a long sigh as I walked back to the house after morning chores, appreciative of all I found on the farm.
