Dangling pieces of yarn, tufts of wool on the floor, baskets of yarn, and looms…..What more could a kitten ask for?
Weaving a shawl with hand spun yarn. |
Needle felting |
Moses and Aaron have discovered the fiber studio in the barn. As soon as anyone heads to the barn the kittens scramble to be the first ones through the studio door. The thoughts of chasing a felted ball across the floor, or napping in a basket of yarn lures them in. Last week, while we had a house full of young ladies, the fiber studio became a flurry of activity and the kitties loved every minute of it.
A scarf just off the loom. |
The kittens spent their time racing around, wrestling with felted balls and chasing dangling yarn. After they had totally worn themselves out, they would look for the perfect spot to take a nap.
While Aaron quickly found a felted bag for his nap, Moses tried several places before deciding on his favorite spot for a rest.
Aaron finds a cozy felted bag to sleep on. |
Moses tries the loom. |
“Hmmm….maybe I can sleep here.” |
“Ok….I will settle for sleeping on your lap.” |
