Giving the gift of handwork, portrays the ultimate expression of love, a gift from the heart. Creating gifts with my hands has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. As a young child, my mother taught me to sew, crochet, and do needlework. Grandparents often received hand sewn pouches or pot holders on Christmas morning. Passing this tradition on to my own children, as soon as they could sit up in my lap, they became a part of my handwork projects. They learned to sew, embroider, paint and block print, felt and weave. When invited to birthday parties, their little hands carried hand-made gifts wrapped in recycled paper and satin ribbons-a gift from their heart-blessing both the giver and the receiver.
This week I have the joy of knitting for new babies! My niece just had identical twin boys-her first babies, and my first grandnephews. I have only gotten to see pictures of them, as they live far away. As with most twins, they arrived a few weeks early and have been in intensive care. I am knitting little vests for them and with each stitch, I know that God has this new family in His care, and I pray for their lungs to fully develop and that, soon, they will be able to go home.
Isaiah 40:11 He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.
Asa and Aaron |
This vest pattern, a free download on Ravelry, has become one of my favorite standard baby gifts. It knits up quickly, in just two sittings, and uses a small amount of yarn. For these vests, I am using Debbie Bliss, “Baby Cashmerino” for ultimate softness and warmth. One vest is knit in blue and yellow, and the other will be knit in blue and green. This way, mom can tell them apart throughout the day.
Premie Baby Vest |
Understanding Exposure-Photography Book |
With the help of a photography book, Understanding Exposure, recommended by Ginny at Small Things-Yarn Along, I have also been practicing taking pictures with my new/old camera and lens.
Now off to Ginny’s blog to join in on Yarn Along!

Christine N
Those are sweet little vests. New mom will love the gift!
Lovely gifts for beautiful boys! They look very alert and strong and will come home soon!
Terriea Kwong
Sweet twins and always handmade gifts are of passion and love from the giver. Wish both sweeties back home shortly.
There are so many cute photos on this blog.