Sharing a quick baby knit “Keep Calm Craft On” at Frontier Dreams.
I am using our angora-cormo blend yarn to knit little Mary Jane booties for a friend. The yarn has 25% angora and 75% Cormo wool. The angora makes the yarn soft to the touch with a subtle halo effect when knit. Cormo wool has a fine crimp and springy quality, making it a perfect combination for baby accessories. When searching for a quick baby bootie pattern online, a video came up on how to knit the Mary Jane’s. Being the visual learner that I am, I loved sitting and watching the video as I worked.

I added a pink tie string to keep the bootie a little more snug on the foot.

I also knit this cute little bunny with our Romney yarn to include in the package….afterall….doesn’t every spring baby need a little bunny?

these maryjanes are precious!!! so is the bunny…
Mary Piontek
Absolutely adorable boots and bunny! Cannot wait to receive all of my fun yarn (angora blend, Gotland, & mohair blend)for so many delightful knitting projects. I’m still looking at sweater patterns for my stash of Romney from your precious sheep as well 🙂