One year ago, we set out on a long journey to bring a small flock of Gotland sheep to our farm in Vermont. It all began with a rental van, and two Gotland ewes. Prior to that, I had only read about Gotland sheep and their lovely wool, but had never wrapped my arms around their wooly necks. Now, I own a small breeding flock of Gotlands, and a yarn company specializing in their amazing fiber and yarn. So you may ask, “what’s the big deal about knitting with Gotland?” I reached out to a couple of my yarn customers and asked them to answer this question.
Ginny Sheller Knit with Gotland Yarn.
Ginny is a homeschooling mom to seven children who lives on a little homestead in Virginia. She shares her family’s life in pictures and words on her blog Small Things. Many of us know Ginny through her weekly Yarn Along, where she invites knitters and avid readers to join her for a day to share our projects and good reads.
Ginny purchased a few skeins of my Gotland Sport Weight yarn in a lovely silver gray. She knit the Lonely Tree Shawl. To raise money for Iraqi refugees, Ginny, in keeping with her generous and compassionate spirit, donated her Gotland shawl to a raffle. Her shawl raised $1665! You can read her blog post about her shawl here.

Here are Ginny’s thoughts about Gotland wool yarn:
I loved knitting with the Gotland yarn! It’s unlike any other yarn I have worked with. The natural gray color and sheen are so unique that even my husband commented on it. I knit a shawl with it and I really loved it. The Gotland yarn has such a nice drape and a lovely halo. Were I to make a change to how I knit it, I would go up a needle size to capitalize on that drape even more so. I raffled that shawl for a worthy cause, so if I ever have the opportunity to knit with Gotland wool again, I’ll surely knit another shawl, and maybe I’ll keep that one!

Sarah Hunts Knit with Gotland Wool Yarn too.
Sarah is most known for her project Fiber Trek™, a TV program in the making dedicated to connecting community, craft, farms and fiber. She lives in the Maine North Woods, T3 Indian Purchase, where she is surrounded by plenty of fiber…tree fiber that is! Luckily, she keeps a healthy stash of yarn and fleece to keep her knitting needles busy and her wheel spinning. She has a strong passion for supporting local foods, fiber and farms.
Sarah knit a color affection shawl, using three different shades of the Gotland yarn. Here are her thoughts about knitting with Gotland:
The Gotland yarn was magic. It was silky and when knitted up retained a sense of loftiness and airiness about it. It is exceptionally warm without being bulky. There is noticeable luster in the yarn which enhances the gray tones to almost iridescent. My color affection shawl is stunning which has nothing to do with me or the knitting but everything to do with the design and the yarn. I was sad to see this project end. As for more knitting with the Gotland, I see it in my future, perhaps a sweater with a nice drape knit at an open gauge. I would also like to work with the fleece, hand combing and spinning it myself. Other possible shawls I considered were the Pebble Beach Shawl by Helen Stewart which is not to say I won’t!
So what’s the big deal about knitting with Gotland wool yarn? Luster, silkiness, drape, and its halo effect stand out as the qualities that sets Gotland yarn apart from other pure breed wool yarns. Wouldn’t you like to sink your hands into some Gotland yarn and cast on? You can support our flock of Gotland sheep by purchasing some of our yarn at the Gotland Wool Company.
What beautiful projects knit with such special yarn! Love its natural colors!
Sarah W.
This yarn is so gorgeous. I will have to keep it in mind when it comes time to choose my next project. My husband and I are planning on raising sheep in the next five years. Gotland sheep will be added to our “Breeds to Research” list. Great blog!
Kim Goodling
Thank you Sarah. If you ever have questions about Gotland sheep, please contact me. I love talking sheep!
I can’t wait to show you the shawlette/curl I’m making with the 2 skeins of sport weight charcoal my sister got me!
Kim Goodling
Oh do share Annie!!! I can’t wait to see!