About 18 months ago, we made the decision to transition over from raising Romney sheep to raising Gotland sheep. A little over a year ago, our small starter flock of Gotland sheep arrived to our farm. Looking back, it was, and still is, an extremely difficult process, and I am learning the challenges of keeping two breeds of sheep. Selling off our Romney sheep has caused sleepless nights and some heart ache. I became quite attached to some of our Romney sheep and letting them go has not always been easy. Our Romney flock has dwindled down in size, and we currently only have four Romneys. We kept two older ewes, Bonnie and Chloe, who were some of our foundation ewes, and then one each of their offspring.
I am finding that the sheep tend to keep themselves separated, Romneys and Gotlands. It is interesting how they know that they are different- one breed from the other. The Gotland sheep remind me of the angora goats I used to have, inquisitive, curious, personable, and agile. They are actually similar in size to my goats as well, weighing much less than my big Romney ewes. The Romneys are docile and calm, often looking at the antics of the Gotlands with much curiosity.

Many farms keep more than one breed of sheep at the same time, but when those two breeds have differing needs, it can be challenging. I have run into a couple of difficulties in keeping both breeds on our farm. First, the Gotland sheep need more copper than the Romney sheep. Every day, I hand feed the Gotlands minerals with added copper, in order to keep it away from the Romneys. The other factor is that I have two Romney ewes to keep away from the Gotland rams. Romney sheep are not one of the approved foundation breeds for upbreeding Gotland sheep, so much to Evret’s dismay, they are kept away from him. However, despite my efforts, my rams know that there are two unbred ewes on the other side of the fence. This fall, we spent hours fortifying fence lines each night to keep the ram where he belongs.
Seems there is an easy solution, right? I should just get rid of all of my Romney sheep. It would make marketing more simplified, breeding season calmer, and animal care less cumbersome. The other day, I removed the Romney sheep from our farm website, knowing that I will no longer have lambs to sell. I found it tugged on my heart strings a bit to remove all those wonderful photographs of the lambs and ewes. In my head, I keep telling myself that I will try to find homes for them in the early summer. In reality though, it will be a melancholy transition. These two older girls were born on our farm. They have given us many Romney lambs through the years, and I have grown to love them and their amazing, squishy yarn. They seem like family. If I do decide to sell them, it will be only to a very special home where I’ll know they will be doted on as much as they are here.
Do any of you get as attached to your sheep as I have to my Romneys?
Amanda Barcenas
This post made me a little teary, as I know how much you love your Romneys. Keep me updated when summer approaches.
Kim Goodling
I will keep you posted Amanda. I am so pleased that you have a large piece of my Romney flock. They could not have gone to a better farm!
Cathy Beshore
I love reading about your sheep and hope you will always continue writing about them (I especially love their pictures!). I don’t have sheep, but I guarantee that if I did, I would be totally attached to them. I guess I find it strange when people are unable to find that attachment. I always tell my husband that I would really love to live on a farm or just have enough land to have some chickens and sheep. I tend our friend’s horses, chickens, dog, and cat when they are away, and I just love it. They may not be mine, but I have an attachment to them (lol!!). Anyway, if I happen to acquire any land within the next year, I would love to give your sheep a forever home!
You should be very proud of the love and care you give your sheep!!
Kim Goodling
Thank you Cathy. Since childhood, animals have been a part of my life, and they always find a corner of my heart.
Lisa Smith
Thank you for such an interesting post, Kim! I find it so fascinating that the breeds automatically disperse themselves separately. It kind of reminds me of boys and girls in elementary school on the playground; the way the Romneys regard the Gotlands and their antics! I love the way Cathy described her emotions about sheep and other animals in her comment above; she said what I am thinking perfectly. I’ve been fortunate to have an Alaskan Malamute and numerous kitty cats over the years, but with my love of sheep I have had to be content with reading the blogs of shepherds such as yourself and others. I truly appreciate all of the time and effort that you put into your blog, and the photo that accompanies this post is wonderful!
Warm Regards, Lisa in Oregon ♥
Kim Goodling
Thank you for your kind words Lisa! Any time you need a sheep fix-head to Vermont and I will put a lamb in your arms!