Reporters beware! If you come to our farm in the spring, you just may have trouble getting your work done. A couple of weeks ago, a freelance reporter, Tammy Donroe, visited our farm on a fact finding mission. I began by showing her our Farmhouse Suite that we rent to overnight, farmstay guests. She took notes diligently as I told her about all the awesome people that have come to stay with us, the country style breakfast served to our guests, the Gotland sheep we raise, and the fiber art classes we offer, which set us apart from other farmstays in Vermont.
We then walked out to the barn where our little Gotland lambs were waiting for their turn to tell her about life here on our farm. I am not sure who was more smitten with whom, but one thing is for sure, Kayla and Kajsa enjoyed their visit with Tammy immensely. The little twin lambs were a captivated audience as Tammy knelt down so she could talk and write notes at the same time. I doubt Tammy was able to jot down many notes, as Kayla took over the writing for her.

You can read Tammy’s article about farmstay experiences in New England in the Boston Globe here! Thank you Tammy for including Vermont Grand View Farm in your line up of farm vacation destinations in the northeast!
Rose Marie
Glad to see your farm stay in a feature story!
On another note – what a wonderful “Gotland Wool” article you have in the May 2016 issue of The Shepherd. I loved the quote by author Clara Parkes that you cited about “wool” yarn.
Kim Goodling
Thank you! I hadn’t even realized that my article on Gotland wool was in this month’s Shepherd magazine. Mine came in the mail yesterday, but I did not open it yet.