Merino wool + Gotland curls + Soap & Water = Pillow

This pillow is made by creating a sleeve using a resist during felting. I laid Merino wool on both sides of the resist and then put Gotland curls on top of the wool. I used the deep palm felting tool by Heart Felt Silks to speed the felting process and to maintain the curls. When felted and dry, I inserted a pillow and sewed along the top edge.

My little flock of Gotland curl producers seemed to approve of my pillow!

Joining Nicole at Keep Calm Craft On at Frontier Dreams. Thank you for stopping by.
Amanda Barcenas
Gorgeous, as usual! Will you be making/selling these?
Kim Goodling
Thank you Amanda!
Cathy Beshore
How beautiful. You are truly talented!!
Kim Goodling
Thank you Cathy!