Through the past 10 years, I have taken felting and fiber art classes from some pretty amazing artists-Robin Russo, Neysa Russo, Jean Gauger, Inge Bauer, Katia Mokeyeva, and Andrea Noeske-Porada. Each of these artists generously opened their studios, knowledge, and lives up to their students. Not only did they share their technical skill, but also that space within themselves that feeds their yearning to create. While in Germany last fall, I took a one day workshop on surface design from Andrea. She shared her lovely studio space with me in a quaint German town. Church bells rang outside the window as we worked side by side. My daughter, Emily, continued to work with Andrea long after I had left Germany. She would go weekly to help her with upcoming exhibitions and to share her wool. Emily has written a wonderful blog post about Andrea’s studio space and her work, which I want to share with you:
In my last few months abroad, I would like to add to my exploration of physical spaces of Germany a look at just a few of the people who live here. Because I have gotten to know some pretty extraordinary folks in the last two years…
I met Andrea while my parents were in Germany–my mother wanted to take a felting course with one of Germany’s many world-renowned fiber artists, and sent me a list of names to check. Most were far away, in Munich or Berlin, but Andrea just happened to be right across the Rhine…read more.
Photo credit: Iris Kaczmarcyk