Do you want to buy sheep? Have you always wanted to purchase your first flock of sheep, but have lots of questions about shepherding? Just this week, I received a phone call from a woman saying that she is going to move to a new property that would allow her to start a small homestead. She had many questions about owning sheep. I thought I would bring this blog post I wrote several years ago, forward to provide her with some more information. Joann, this blog post is for you – as well as others wanting to become shepherds.
Here are a series of questions you can ask yourself before you go out and buy sheep:
How many sheep should I purchase?
Sheep are a flock animal. This means that they need to live with other sheep. I recommend a flock no smaller than five sheep, but have seen flocks of 3 or 4 do well. Sheep feel secure and happy when living with other sheep. Sheep can be a companion animal to other livestock, like horses, alpacas, and goats, BUT sheep need other sheep.

You also need to consider how much land you have available for your new flock of sheep. The general rule of thumb is that one acre of land can support 3-5 sheep. This, however, depends upon the quality of the grass, and the parasite risk factors in your area. You may find it helpful to talk with other shepherds in your area and compare the number of sheep they have with their total pasture acreage. You can also ask them their advice based upon your location.
What breed of sheep should I get?
Before deciding upon what breed of sheep you want to buy, you first need to determine your purpose in owning sheep and consider who will be caring for them. Do you want sheep simply to keep your field mowed down? Do you want to raise them for meat or for fiber or both? Will young children help care for your flock of sheep?
There are numerous breeds of sheep and each breed has its own unique characteristics and qualities. Some breeds are more calm and gentle than others, some make excellent dual purpose flocks allowing you to raise them for wool and meat, and others have no wool at all. Once you narrow your focus and vision for sheep, you can begin looking discernibly at the different breeds. Attending local sheep and wool festivals allows you the opportunity to talk with shepherds in person and to see a variety of breeds in one place.
The following books are available that can introduce you to different breeds of sheep:
The Field Guide to Fleece
The Fleece and Fiber Source Book
British Sheep Breeds
What about guard animals for my sheep?

You have several options for guard animals, should you need one. I would first find out what the predator problem is like in your area before bringing home your first flock. Do other farms have trouble with neighbor dogs or stray dogs harassing their livestock? Are there coyotes in your area? Do the coyotes live peaceably with the sheep farms?
The following are blog posts about different guardian animals:
Guard Llamas
Livestock Guardian Dogs
Guard Donkeys
Should I get a ram?
Whether or not you bring home an intact ram is based upon your purpose in owning sheep. Breeding is the only reason to have a resident ram. If you have a ram, then you also need to have a wether, a castrated ram whose sole purpose is to live with the ram. Rams need other rams and do not thrive when they must live alone. Some people leave their ram in with their ewes year round, We do not do that here on our farm. We keep several rams on our farm that live year round in different quarters from the ewes. The only time the rams go in with the ewes is for breeding season in the fall.

Rams can become aggressive and difficult to handle. Are all rams aggressive? Certainly not, rams may be gentle as well, but I never turn my back on a ram. If caught off guard, they can do serious damage to you if they butt you. You may want to read my Living with Rams post for more information on how we raise our rams.
If this is your first experience with sheep, I would think about holding off on breeding as well. Our first year with sheep, we did not breed. This gave us time to learn about basic sheep care and attend the sheep workshops offered around the state before we jumped into lambing. I would also visit other farms to see their sheep and their set up. I learned so much by visiting other sheep farms when we first started.
What do I need to feed my new flock of sheep?
Our sheep eat grass in the summer and a high quality second cut hay in the winter. The only time they get grain is for about three to four weeks after lambing. I do this to ensure the mom has adequate nutrition for lactation. I would find a hay source before purchasing your sheep. If you are concerned about the quality and nutritional value of the hay, you can also have the hay analyzed by a lab. We use Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service for testing.
Your sheep will also need fresh water daily. You also need to consult with your local vet, local feed store, and other farms to determine if your soils have sufficient minerals to meet the needs of your new flock. Most areas of the United States are deficient in selenium, a critical mineral to sheep health, and so it must be supplemented. We give a mineral mix supplement and kelp year round on our farm.
Do my sheep need a barn?
Sheep need shelter from sun in the summer and from winter winds. In the summer, a grove of trees may be sufficient protection from the summer heat. In the winter, you will want at least a three sided shelter. Sheep do not need, nor do they want to be closed up in a barn for any length of time. When closed in a barn, sheep can develop respiratory problems from excessive moisture buildup. The only time my sheep seek the shelter of the barn is when we have extreme wind and subzero degree temperatures. My sheep may choose to be in the barn or outside in the snow all winter. Most of the time, they enjoy lounging in the snowbanks.
What kind of fence do I need?

Fencing keeps your sheep where you want them to graze. Your choices are to use woven wire or electric fencing. We opted for electric fencing because it was the most economical and easy to set up. We use a permanent 5 strand electric fence that runs around the perimeter of our large field. Then, we subdivide that large area with electric flexible netting so that we can rotational graze. We also have outer fields that we use a semi-permanent three strand fencing on. So far, our sheep respect the electric fence. If, however, the fence gets turned off, the sheep may test it and go through the fence if greener grass lies on the other side.
It’s Time to Buy Sheep
Once you have answered all these questions, you will have a better idea of what your property can hold, what your goals are, and what you need to consider before you go out and buy sheep.
Please contact me if you are interested in raising Gotland sheep. Please leave any further questions in the comment sections and I am happy to answer them for you!
Six Dutchess Farm
This is very helpful for new shepherds! Having just purchased our first small flock from you, I can say that each point is definitely worth considering and discussing before bringing a new flock home. We ended up buying 2 lambs and 2 ewes from you, originally we had planned on 3, and we can already see how important it is for the flock to have strength in numbers. They almost always forage and rest together and often venture off in pairs. I would also add to always buy from a reputable source, such as your farm, where the animals are well loved, well cared for, and visibly happy and healthy. After 5 years of planning, we are so happy with our flock of Gotlands. They are a joy to have on the farm!
Tara Smith
Thank you for such detailed information. I plan to have a small fiber farm next Spring, and you have given me a lot to think about and research further.
Kim Goodling
I am so glad this is helpful information. Thank you for stopping in to read!