My sheep love eating pine. Our Christmas tree provides a tasty treat to their rather boring winter diet of hay. Every year, I toss our tree over the fence for them to enjoy. At first, they stand at a distance just watching as the tree lands in the snow. As I turn to walk away, I see them bounding and leaping to get at the tree for a nibble. This year was no different.

Within just a few hours, one side of the tree had been striped of needles and bark. The only remaining needles were those laying against the snow. The barn smelled of fresh pine as the sheep came in to greet me for afternoon chores. I flipped the tree over so they could enjoy the other side.
Benefits of Feeding Christmas Trees to Sheep
You may wonder if there are any benefits to feeding your Christmas tree to your sheep other than the variety in diet and enjoyment it provides. Some studies suggest that feeding pine may help ward off parasites in small ruminants, however, they must consume far more than one tree to reap the benefits. Pine also provides very high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants.
Things to Consider Before Feeding Pine Trees to Sheep
Not all pine trees are good for livestock to eat. Be sure that your tree is free from pesticides or colorants. Some large tree farms add fire retardant and colorants to their trees before marketing them. These chemical based products may harm your livestock. Be sure to ask your tree farm if they have put anything on their trees before you feed it to your sheep or goats. You should also be aware that studies show that Ponderosa Pine can be toxic to livestock. Lastly, as with any change in diet in small ruminants, do not abruptly change their diet by feeding large quantities of pine at once. One tree fed to a small flock will most likely be fine, but feeding the entire neighborhood’s pile of trees will throw their digestive tract off and could have negative side effects.

Most sheep love eating pine. Not only does it provide some variety in their diet but provides some health benefits as well. Feeding your Christmas tree to your small flock of sheep or herd of goats also provides a great way of recycling your tree. You may want to explore the following articles about the health benefits of pine to humans and you may find yourself brewing a cup of pine tea to enjoy alongside of your sheep!
Healing Conifer Tea
Pine Tree Health Benefits & Therapeutic Value
Comfort & Joy – The Healing Powers of Conifers