Though most shepherds I know do much of their own “vet work” for their flock, each one will tell you there are times when you need a reliable large animal vet. Finding a vet you are compatible with is golden. Together you can work towards maintaining a healthy flock. Here are six things to look for in a large animal a vet for your sheep.
Choosing a large animal vet
- The most obvious consideration is that they are trained and certified as a large animal vet for your state. It is even better if they have extensive training and experience with the different kinds of livestock on your farm.
- Distance and time to get to your farm are also a factor in choosing a vet. In our area, vets have an area that they service. If you live beyond that area, they will not come to you and often do not take you on as a new client.
- One of the most important factors for me is how they converse with me and their level of professionalism. I tend to ask A LOT of questions and do my own research. I like a vet that will have a conversation with me about what is going on with my sheep. I like to understand the cause of the problem so that it can be addressed rather than just moving on once the issue is resolved and never really getting at the root cause or core of the problem. This takes extra time, which I am happy to pay for. It is important to me that I learn from each issue that arises.
- In being able to carry on a conversation with my vet, there must be mutual respect for one another. If you can not respect your vet or vice versa, chances are it is not a good fit.
- I like to have a vet that can perform various surgeries and procedures as they are needed. If your vet is not able to do the kinds of tasks you need, whether that be castrations, vacectomies, post mortems, or assist with difficult births, then you may find yourself juggling between two different vets.
- Lastly, does your vet agree with your overall flock management style? Finding a vet who aligns with your philosophy of your preventative care and treatment preferences is vital to developing a trusting relationship built on respect.

We have been blessed with several wonderful vets throughout our journey with sheep. They are indespensable and have provided hours of their time to our farm. Some have gone above and beyond the call of duty coming. It is well worth taking the time to form a relationship with a large animal vet you respect and trust.