The rain rain rain came down down down in rushing, rising riv’lets,
Six weeks running….the rain rain rain has come down down down, soaking both man and beast,
overflowing river banks, spilling out of culverts, cutting new paths in most inconvenient places.
Water squishes out of the ground with every step, wetting shoes and feet, soaking struggling bean plants, and keeping the farmer’s tractor in the barn.
Mist blankets the valley after daily rain storms, filling every niche with its wisps of white.
Steam rises from the stone wall as the late afternoon rain subsides, and cats come out of hiding to sit upon the rocks.
Droplets of water hang on every grass blade, every leaf, every flower petal. Green fills the landscape because for six weeks running…the rain rain rain has come down down down in rushing, rising riv’lets.
Tombstone Livestock
Wish you could send it to California, dry, hot, parched California.