Got the Fever….. Here’s what happens when you turn three Vermont children out in the woods to tap sugar maple trees….. Armed and ready. Got the hammer. Got the taps and bucket. Got the drill. Wait a’re supposed to tap the trees, NOT the boy! They’ve got the fever. The sugarin’ fever.

Got the Sugarin’ Fever

Here’s what happens when you turn three Vermont children out in the woods to tap sugar maple trees….. Armed and ready. Got the hammer. Got the taps and bucket. Got the drill. Wait a’re supposed to tap the trees, NOT the boy! They’ve got the fever. The sugarin’ fever.

Sugarin’ Season at Last Every year it seems a gamble as to when to tap the sugar maple trees. In years past, we have tapped them at the first sign of sugaring weather only to regret it a week later. Early this morning my husband checked the extended forecast. The temperatures for the next 5 days showed daytime temperatures above … Read More

Sugarin’ Season at Last

posted in: Maple Sugaring 0

Every year it seems a gamble as to when to tap the sugar maple trees. In years past, we have tapped them at the first sign of sugaring weather only to regret it a week later. Early this morning my husband checked the extended forecast. The temperatures for the next 5 days showed daytime temperatures above freezing with below freezing … Read More

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