Signs of Autumn in Vermont
Three things tell me that autumn is upon us- Morning mist. Morning Mist Sunlight through the trees. Morning Sun Streams Through the Trees Fallen red leaves. A Red Maple Leaf
Three things tell me that autumn is upon us- Morning mist. Morning Mist Sunlight through the trees. Morning Sun Streams Through the Trees Fallen red leaves. A Red Maple Leaf
My spot. This morning I ventured off the trail on my morning walk with Kai through the woods. I went in search of my favorite spot in our woods, the place where I will build a small studio one day with a sleeping loft. A moss covered stone wall marks the spot with old maples and tall pines surrounding it. … Read More
Shepherd to a growing flock of sheep and an extremely energetic border collie puppy, mother to a homeschooled 17 year old in pursuit of college life and two college daughters waiting for a letter from home, wife to a busy engineer, farmer to an old historic homestead with rambling house, unkempt gardens, and old barn, innkeeper to a small bed and … Read More
Eco-print From Orange Cosmos & Onion Skins From one fiber artist/farmer to another, as promised, I will share my steps to eco-printing below, so you can use your brief creative time with little trial and error. 1. Pre-mordant the fabric. Some people do not pre-mordant, but the natural dyer in me said, “pre-mordant”. I first washed the silks well, rinsed … Read More
Autumn Eco-Printed Scarf It never ceases to amaze me of the many ways to capture and savor the beauty around us. This summer, I discovered eco-printing. I know I am a bit behind the times, as most fiber artists I know have been doing eco-printing for years. Someone once told me that you can not be a farmer and an … Read More