Sheep Eat Leaves
Goats browse…..Sheep graze…. Goats eat leaves, saplings, and brambles..Sheep eat grass… Not true…Sheep eat leaves too! Anna helps the ewes reach the tasty leaves.
Goats browse…..Sheep graze…. Goats eat leaves, saplings, and brambles..Sheep eat grass… Not true…Sheep eat leaves too! Anna helps the ewes reach the tasty leaves.
Moses and Kai Border Collies have a strong herding instinct which makes them very sensitive to movement. When training on sheep, this desire to gather and move sheep is carefully nurtured by the shepherd. For a young pup, a swishing broom, a hoe cultivating the garden, a hand pulling weeds, a skirt blowing in the breeze, or a cat walking … Read More
Some people say our farm is “in the middle of nowhere,” we like to say we are on the “edge of nowhere”. Our farm sits up on the mountain between two small Vermont villages that lie in the valley. The school bus travels our road from August to June, the UPS truck drives up our road, and the locals use … Read More
Hiking Big Deer Mountain This past weekend, we took Kai for a hike in Groton State Park. An important part of Kai’s training involves exposing him to different settings, sights, and sounds. On our 6 mile walk he greeted many other hikers, encountered thousands of new smells, even met a few other dogs. Through all of this, he develops trust … Read More
A friend invites Kai to sit on her lap. So what do farmer’s markets and dinner parties have to do with border collie puppies? By exposing Kai to a variety of settings and a variety of people, he learns much about his world and his place in it. This early training will carry over into his adult life providing him … Read More