How Ewes Nurture and Teach Their Lambs

It’s a beautiful thing to watch a ewe teach their lambs. There is so much more going on than just letting them nurse. From the moment their lambs are born, ewes take on the role of nurturing, training, feeding, socializing, and teaching them about the world outside of the womb. Though “kitchen lambs” are cute, I have a hard fast … Read More

A Guide To Lamb Proofing Your Barn

Before your lambs are born you need to think about how to lamb proof your barn to prevent accidents from happening. I write this post with a heavy heart after losing a beautiful ewe lamb to an unthinkable freak accident. This guide will walk you through how to look critically at each area of your barn to ensure it is … Read More


Some shepherds lamb in great numbers. And that is amazing. And some shepherds lamb in wee small numbers. And that is amazing also. The commonality among shepherds, regardless of how many sheep they have in their flock, is their love and passion for their flock of sheep. I shared the conversation below with a shepherd I know in Gotland, Sweden. … Read More

Shepherding Lambs

Every lambing season I am reminded of how delicate life is. I am humbled by how much more I have to learn about shepherding lambs. This year, we began with a set of triplets to a new mom. She delivered on a frigid day and that night the temperatures dipped to the coldest of the season. It was a long … Read More

The Perfect Lambing System for Small Flocks

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There are probably as many different lambing systems as there are shepherds. Some lamb on pasture, some put laboring ewes in pens, and some shepherds choose to put their bred ewes in group pens to labor and deliver. Each farm must evaluate their own situation and what works best for them to give them the optimal outcome. Shepherds need to … Read More

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