Meet Our New Gotland Lambs-One Lamb a Day
Meet our new Gotland lambs, one lamb a day. Kendra 88.4% Gotland ewe lamb ~ Sometimes, only photographs are needed.
Meet our new Gotland lambs, one lamb a day. Kendra 88.4% Gotland ewe lamb ~ Sometimes, only photographs are needed.
With udders filling, and bellies rounding, my thoughts go to readying for lambing season. If I have learned anything at all from my many years of lambings, it is that with each year, I will push myself to my limit, I will see and do things that will bring me to my knees in awe and wonder, as well as … Read More
They say that people in the same profession often share common traits and interests. Over my years of shepherding, I have certainly found this to be true among sheep people. So if you are wondering if you just might be a shepherd at heart, read on. Here are twelve reasons why you might be a shepherd at heart: you walk … Read More
Almost all signs of Christmas have been packed away. All the ornaments are stored away in the attic, the window lights put away, the baby Jesus carefully wrapped in the Christmas creche for another year, and all the kids have gone back to college. Only a small pile of pine needles, sprinkled on the porch, remains of the Christmas decor … Read More
According to Chinese zodiac, 2015 was the Year of the Sheep. I am not exactly sure what that means-in terms of being Chinese-but I know what that means in terms of my life. Let’s take a look back at a year in the life of a sheep farmer-me. Twenty-fifteen most definitely was the Year of the Sheep-Gotland sheep. It started … Read More