Time to Settle In There are times in your life when every day is full and you wonder how you will accomplish all that needs to be done. Your feet hit the floor in the morning running and they don’t stop until long past a normal bedtime hour. The house isn’t as orderly as usual, meals are haphazardly thrown together … Read More

October Morning The leaves are at their peek color here on our hillside farm. Mornings are crisp and often fog blankets the valleys. Colorful leaves lay along the path in the woods and along the roadside. Wild apple trees are full of apples. All of the animals seem to know that it is autumn. In the mornings, the ewes are … Read More

How Our Homestead Began

Congratulations Kristen! Yahoo!!! We are so excited for our friend Kristen Judkins, winner of the Great Goat Give Away at Martha Vineyard’s Farm! This weekend was the Vermont Sheep & Wool Festival. Kristen was ecstatic when she stopped by my booth early on Saturday to tell me that her essay was in first place with the most votes. She knew … Read More

Tunbridge World’s Fair

Country fairs abound in the villages of Vermont in the summer and early fall months. These fairs began as a way for the local farmers to showcase their produce and animals from which they earned their livelihood. Selecting their best vegetables, flowers, canned goods, maple syrup, hand crafted items, cows, chickens, pigs, sheep, and goats, they would travel to the … Read More

Shearing Day! My little goats lost their coats last week. Thankfully it was a warm and sunny day when we had a shearer come to shear the goats. The goats were quite curious about these two people who had come sniffing them as they set up. Fern and her little doeling Charlotte went first. Fern was not very vocal but … Read More

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