Felted Wool Purse

Wet Felted Wool Purse Joining in on KCCO and sharing my love of felt making. Felting~the process of taking disconnected fibers, and turning them into a strong, smooth piece of fabric. The felting process begins with a web of fibers. The web consists of individual strands of wool. Each piece of fiber has scales, which open when warm water is applied. … Read More

Felted Wool Boots

posted in: Uncategorized 13

Joining in on Keep Calm Craft On, I wanted to share my latest craze. ( Rachel invited me to share at her Yarn Fanatic Party and while I am at it, I think I will share at Ginny’s Yarn Along. Ok, so I am breaking the rules a tad, these are not actually made with yarn, but they are made with … Read More

Gotland Curls

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I have a fetish for all things fluffy, soft, and furry, but you already know that if you have been around this blog for very long. Though my initial interest in the Gotland breed of sheep did not begin with a love of their fiber, it has quickly won a place in my heart. Gotland sheep have long, lustrous fiber. … Read More

Kai-Farm Dog

posted in: Uncategorized 2

Kai, our border collie puppy, loves spending time outside. Once cold temperatures settled in, he put on a thick winter coat. He loves days when we have lots to do outside, he hangs around, playing with sticks, and visiting with the sheep. Kai Posing for the camera. Who can resist a stick?!

Handwork-A Gift From the Heart

posted in: Uncategorized 4

Giving the gift of handwork, portrays the ultimate expression of love, a gift from the heart. Creating gifts with my hands has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. As a young child, my mother taught me to sew, crochet, and do needlework. Grandparents often received hand sewn pouches or pot holders on Christmas … Read More

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