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Marigolds and Queen Anne’s Lace I love this time of year when all the wildflowers are in bloom and the garden is dotted with color from Cosmos, Calendula, and Marigolds. My children know that I may pull the car over to the side of the road at any moment to stop and pick flowers. Then, whoever happens to be with … Read More
Yarn CSAs in the Mail Today, I packaged up our first shipment of yarn CSA orders! It was very exciting to put these boxes in the mail. The money from our yarn CSA program goes directly to the care and feeding of our animals. It also helps us pay for the wool processing fees at the mill. We are so … Read More
Black-Eye Susans Black-eye susans dot the fields and roadsides around our farm in abundance. Every summer, I collect the flowers to use as a natural dye for our yarn. I pull the flowers off their stems and boil them in water to make a dye bath. As the flowers boil, the water turns a dark black. It is difficult to … Read More
Today’s Chore List 1. Move the meat bird chicks out to pasture 2. Wash the shawl that I finished weaving last night 3. Harvest some of the wild mint that has been growing along the stream 4. List on etsy the novelty skeins of mohair that I spun this week 5. Put a roosting bar in the chicken tractor where … Read More
Mama Llama’s Spa Experience Today did not start off as a good day for Mama Llama. Today was her shearing day. Mama Llama does not particularly enjoy being sheared. In fact, she becomes quite agitated when being sheared. In the past, she has been so naughty that the shearer has not been able to shear her entire body. This was … Read More