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How Our Farm Survived 2020
I stand looking at 2020 as if seeing it through the rear view mirror. I still see all the challenges that the year brought to our farm and many others, but I am moving forward. As a small business owner, I began this pandemic determined to get through the year and meet 2021 on top. So while the year threw … Read More
Barb Wire is Much Like Words
This summer we cleared a stand of red pines from our farm. The pines were planted in the 1970’s in a reforesting effort that swept across the state of Vermont, leaving patches of tall trees across the hillsides. Our trees had been neglected through the years. They stand spindly, and tall. On several occasions, we had talked with foresters about … Read More
Into the Shepherd’s Hands
Through the shepherd’s hands new life is welcomed to the farm. These same hands care for each sheep, feeding them, tending them when sick, guiding them to new pastures, and giving them security. The sheep learn the touch of their shepherd’s hands and the sound of their voice. They learn that when in their shepherd’s presence, they are safe, cared … Read More
Bioworma- A Parasite Preventative Treatment You Need To Know About
One topic that will often launch into passionate discussions among sheep people is parasite management. I have met hardcore sheep people who scoff at using natural means to battle parasites in ruminants. They question the effectiveness of various herbal or garlic based remedies and rely heavily on available anthelmintics in treating parasite infestations. I have also met shepherds who swear by … Read More
Shepherd Mentoring
If you have spent much time on my blog, then you know that I am passionate about teaching and helping other shepherds gain the confidence they need to successfully raise their flock of sheep. Through the years, I have written countless blog posts to help each of you on your journey owning sheep. Though my blog has provided me with … Read More