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The Natural Instincts of Border Collies
Border collies just instinctively know how to work sheep, right? Wrong. It is true that border collies have particular instincts which help them work with sheep and make them trainable, but they are not born already knowing how to work with a shepherd. The Border Collie Rescue website explains the natural instincts of the border collie: The herding instinct in … Read More
Stewardship and Shepherding-Sigsarve Lamb Gotland
Legacy and stewardship summarize the work of Curre and Lotta of Sigsarve Lamb in Gotland, Sweden. Working the very land he was raised on, living in the very house he was born in, Curre, along with his wife Lotta, devote their lives to shepherding one of Gotland’s most lovely flocks of sheep. When asked why they chose farming, Curre … Read More
Border Collie Off Duty
A glimpse into Kai’s day off from farm work…. Amos 4:13 He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth— the Lord God Almighty is his name. Border Collie Training: Hikes
The Dance Between Border Collie and Handler
While traipsing across Germany and on to Gotland, Sweden this summer, we left our border collie, Kai, with a sheep dog trainer. Being 1 1/2 years old, he was eager to begin his journey as a sheepdog. With a summer full of moving kids to college, and visiting those afar, I had little time to work with him. So instead … Read More
Passions Unite People
When I stepped off the plane on Gotland island, Sweden, I felt my whole body relax. The air was full of salty mist, ocean breeze, and sea weed. We were greeted with open arms by a Swedish friend I had made via instagram. She unexpectedly met us at the airport, embracing us with Scandinavian hospitality, maps, and a bag filled … Read More