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Gotland Island-Home to the Curly Sheep
Today, we fly from Frankfurt, Germany to Stockholm, Sweden. From there, we take a short flight across the Baltic Sea to Gotland Island-home to the curly sheep. I have arranged to meet with shepherds on Gotland, whose flocks of sheep carry the same genetics that are in my own flock of Gotlands in the United States. I will also attend … Read More
Knitting Tools From Germany
I have been in Germany for one week now. Sometimes I forget that I am more than 3000 miles away from my hillside farm in Vermont. In many ways, Mainz feels like any other city, with shoppers bustling, families on outings, and cafes inviting people to stop and relax. From time to time, when I hear people speaking around me, … Read More
Felting with Gotland Curls
Our dear friend and felt artist, Jenny Hill, visited with us for a couple of days after attending the Felter’s Fling. Jenny came to our farm three years ago as an intern, to learn as much as she could about homesteading and living off the land, and she left a fiber artist, specializing in felting. With one 2 hour session … Read More
Off to Gotland Island and Beyond!
Home is now behind you, the world is ahead! – Gandalf We are off to visit our daughter in Germany to see castles, cobblestone streets, cafes, and cathedrals. Then we head to Gotland Island, Sweden to visit with shepherds and attend a ram auction, to learn as much as we can about Gotland sheep. I promise to share lots of … Read More
Knitting Lace Shawls-Tricks of the Trade
I once had a musician tell me the key to singing barbershop harmony was minding your own business, staying focused on your own voice, and not getting confused by all the other voices around you. I find this bit of advice holds true to knitting lace. While knitting the Hermaness Hat for Karen Templer’s hatalong, I did as much unknitting … Read More