Reclaiming Pastures For Sheep and Pollinators

Our family was the first in over 50 years to bring livestock back to this farm property. We spent our early years reclaiming pastures for our sheep and pollinators until only one field remained longing to be renovated. When we purchased our property a stand of red pines provided a buffer between our fields and the deep woods. Once a … Read More

Our Little Rejected Lamb

Our little rejected lamb Ofelia is growing and thriving. If you have followed our Instagram then you have kept up with her shenanigans and growth. She’s fully bonded to me and follows me where ever I go when I am in the barn. If she can’t find me, she calls waiting for me to call back. Though her mum has … Read More

Choosing Replacement Breeding Stock

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Our 2020 lambing season has come to a close with 17 new lambs on the ground. This year was much better than last in terms of our ewe to ram ratio. After only getting one ewe lamb last year, I was in need to nice ewes. The final count was 7 ewes to 10 rams, not as high a ewe … Read More

Shepherding Lambs

Every lambing season I am reminded of how delicate life is. I am humbled by how much more I have to learn about shepherding lambs. This year, we began with a set of triplets to a new mom. She delivered on a frigid day and that night the temperatures dipped to the coldest of the season. It was a long … Read More

Designing An Awesome Farm Website

Do you have a farm and need some help designing an awesome farm website? Then keep reading because I am going to give you a few pointers. Do I need a farm website? You may wonder if you even need a farm website, after all, you most likely have a farm Facebook page or Instagram account. It is rare for … Read More

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