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The Rain Rain Rain
The rain rain rain came down down down in rushing, rising riv’lets, Six weeks running….the rain rain rain has come down down down, soaking both man and beast, overflowing river banks, spilling out of culverts, cutting new paths in most inconvenient places. Water squishes out of the ground with every step, wetting shoes and feet, soaking struggling bean plants, and keeping the farmer’s … Read More
Strawberries, Greens, and Fresh Bread
Guest-post and photography by Anna Goodling You always know summer has come when the Farmer’s Markets start. Brightly-colored tents scattered around a small country common-green backed by a tall white steeple or a red brick schoolhouse attract local Vermont residents and out-of-state visitors alike. Vendors hawk their wares in good ol’ Vermont style, with a twinkle in their eye and … Read More
Children on the Farm
Every year we correspond with two fourth grade classrooms at a local school. Throughout the year, we exchange letters, teaching the children about the animals and activities on our farm. The children write letters back to us, sharing stories of their lives, pets, and dreams. Dear Goodling Family, I am 10 years old. I have a barn with cows one … Read More
Sowing Seeds
Sowing seeds has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. In my early childhood, my family planted a garden each summer, and since establishing my own home, I have carried on this tradition of planting. This year, when I tore open the first packet of seeds, I was struck by how tiny they were. … Read More
The Sugar Maker of VT Grand View Farm
Tonight, the smoke rises from the chimney pipe, and steam billows out the windows of our little sugar house, as the Sugar Maker boils down the remainder of the sap. With 16 gallons lining the closet shelves, we will have plenty of syrup for the year, with some extra to sell or barter with. The buckets have been taken off … Read More